Sunday, August 17, 2008

Zuda fan art wallpapers

Howdy folks!

These are my favourite two entries this month. Unfortunately it looks like Rocki Gibralter, barring a marketing miracle, won't win, but Boone has a good chance! I'd love to see Boone take the top spot. Of course, I'd read the current first place getter, Gulch, if it continues too, it is also good and intriguing. Heck, this month there's hardly any I wouldn't read on a regular basis. Go Zuda!

Both those are 1280 x 1024 Wallpaper sized!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

San Diego Comic Con '08

Here's a sample of one of my sketches I was handing out on those handy dandy Zuda postcards. I was only there for an hour each day (less on Sunday after my first ever San Diego panel!) but I think I managed to whack out about 60-70 of these postcards for people passing by, as well as a few larger sketches in people's books, etc. People seemed to be impressed by my speed, which is always great. Each little postcard was 1-3 minute's worth of wrist-busting action.

Some how I ended up drawing a few pics of Supergirl ( which sadly, were all given away, so I can't really show much here) but I did however, get some photos of a little Batman pic I drew in a Gotham themed sketchbook being passed around.

Here it is all finished.

I'm proud to be part of a fantastic sketch book you've collected, Ron! Keep that for when I'm famous... ;o)

For anyone who missed the news. Celadore will be starting in September at an update of four screens per week, which I am super excited about. It's all scripted, with some still very minor tweaking going on, and about half of it is already plotted and pencilled. I'll be posting construction blogs to run alongside the main comic as it begins updating.