So. Celadore is done. Chapter 1, anyway.
Here's a teaser for Chapter 2...

If you want to see how the new dynamic works as the monster hunting team take on a new adversary, write to Zuda.
Thanks for reading, folks! It's been a blast! I have two sequels planned with a whole STACK of side stories as well as working on another different submission entirely.
Now, go. Go give your feedback to Zuda for part 2! :oD
Vapire pop stars. hmm.
vampire, even.
No vampires in this one. Well, actually, there might be one (for continuity's sake). But that's why I want to tell a sequel. To get away from the vampires and the Buffy comparisons!
I think Zuda are all vampired out. :o)
hey caanan I love your work :D congrats, I hope you get another season, I´m going to write that feedback for you :D
congrat caanan I´m going to write that feedback for you :D
I don't see how you can't get another contract. You've got it in the bag
Ditto what Steve said.... thanks for the ride Canaan, 'cept I'm not getting up... cause I want another one.
Awaiting news of Celadore II: season of the witch?
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